Thursday, September 23, 2010

Epic run, epic day, epic blog post

Sorry for the delay in's been a crazy week! So Sunday I ran 14 miles. I don't think that this distance would normally seem that long to me but it felt a little epic. I think this may have something to do with sensory overload. Sometimes that happens in New York. I biked to Central Park and on the way there I was supposed to drop something off on Madison Avenue (postcards for Tibet in Song, a film I've been doing outreach for - it premieres in NYC for one week only starting tomorrow, September 24, at Cinema Village - please come!). But back to Madison Avenue. It was insane for the Mexico Day Parade. Had to fight my way through the crowd, the dancers, and the really crazy cars to get to the building. Thank goodness some nice man watched my bike for me because there definitely wasn't any space to lock it up. I wish these pictures were better. There were some crazy costumes.

Sensory overload #1:
the Mexico Day parade
After I finished my errand, I headed up Broadway to the park. Two friends were meeting me to keep me company for various portions of my run (I have the greatest friends). On the way up there I almost got taken out by this weird group of half-dressed, really attractive men running in these strange springy outer-space looking shoes. They obviously felt that since they looked so weird/cool(?) that they didn't need to share the bike lane with me. After some extensive googling, I've just learned that Kangoo Jumps are the latest exercise craze. Who knew? (Although if these guys' bodies are any indication of the effectiveness of the shoe, I need a pair. Like, yesterday.)

So I got to the park and met my friend Amanda. Amanda, for the record, is very sweet, svelte and beautiful and does not exercise. Ever. Maybe I'm exaggerating but I don't really think I am. Not sure the rules on blog-cussing but this makes me want to call her names that rhyme with witch.  She said she would run a mile with me so that I could make a funny video for the blog but then we decided that she would borrow my bike while I ran. I think it worked out better for both of us because I'm not exactly sure where to chain a bike around Central Park and she didn't seem all that confident that she could actually run a mile.

Amanda biked and I ran. Then we met my friend Richie and Amanda went off on her own. Richie ran with me for about five miles and I discovered that despite his claims that he "doesn't run," Richie is definitely a faster runner than me. That fun fact combined with the nasty, nasty hills around Central Park (I hate hills) and the 81 degree heat (you'll never hear me complain about it being too hot in September unless I'm running 14 miles and it's a bajillion degrees out. I actually really hate when summer ends.) tired me out pretty quick. By mile six I was like, "I have to do how many more miles??"

Richie split off to head home and I continued along on my own. After looping around the park, I headed to the Bridle Path so at least I'd be running the rest of the run on dirt/gravel. My knees are thanking me. There was a Beatle's cover band playing as I ran under Strawberry Fields. I then looped around the Reservoir three times and headed back to Columbus Circle. 14 miles, voila!

Around the Reservoir
I always run to music but Sunday I didn't use my iPod. Not sure why (maybe because my friend Emily who is an awesome runner told me she hasn't used one in three years and I thought I should try it). But I have to say, I actually really enjoyed myself. I had some really nice introspective time and I think I observed a lot more of what was going on around me.  

One thing I didn't enjoy was the fact that I didn't eat enough at all. I had oatmeal before my run but around mile 11 my stomach was audibly growling. I definitely lost some steam towards the end of the run because I was so hungry. I think it's time to introduce some exercise fuel (i.e. gu, shotblocks, powerbar, etc) into my training regimen.  I've never used these before because I've always felt that I don't run far enough to justify sucking down a packet of carbohydrates. One reason I run is to lose/maintain weight and have really never wrapped my head around a bowl of pasta's worth of carbs in one little nasty packet of gu. But guess it's time to get over that.

After the run, Amanda and I went to our favorite little hummus place and devoured some food. On the way there we stopped for a few cheesy photo ops.

Lincoln Center

In front of the Empire Hotel (we work here..)

So hungry she's eating a sugar packet.

Our feast

Uhh...I was really hungry.

After dinner, I was super mad at myself for having ridden to the park because that meant I had to bike home from the park. Ugh. But oddly enough, it ended up being really nice. I biked through Times Square which normally sounds like the worst thing to do. Ever. But can't really explain what came over me...for some reason I thought the tourists were sweet. The running must be going to my head : ) 

On the way home

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