Saturday, September 18, 2010

Calm after the storm

Whew, it's been a busy week for me. I must confess that running may have fallen a bit to the wayside. I got in a couple short runs but nothing major. I'd like to blame that on my new lack of a toenail but in all honesty, it doesn't hurt at all it just looks really freakish. Just was crazy busy!  

In exciting new news, I got the iPhone 4 this week! For those of you who hadn't seen my phone recently, it was pretty cracked to the max. Evidently I'm rough on phones. But this relates to running because the iPod on my phone had started skipping. And the phone had started just randomly turning off.  And when you're running 10+ miles you really rely on that music to keep you going.  

Now all that's left for me to dream about is a Garmin watch. Sigh.  

View of the Brooklyn Bridge
So last night I ran six miles along the East River during a beautiful sunset. I'd let you watch my cheesy little video to learn more but blogger isn't letting me upload it right now. It'll have to come in a later post. grrr. FYI, with my new iPhone comes better video capability, so get ready for lots of these guys. Here's a few pictures of the sunset to tie you over until the video:

More Brooklyn Bridge

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